I am in no way saying to take this one lightly, but also don't want all kinds of people spending all kinds of money on the next best popup-ad telling them that their entire computer will be worthless after April 1 if they do not spend $59.99 right away to get immediate protection (and a free Laptop, PS3 and iPod) and their credit card information published in the prestigious collection of some Russian CC vendor for at least 0.0001 cents a number...
Catch the basics after the jump.
Via ISC Website - April 1st - What Will Really Happen? - isc
There is a new, continually updated site now available at the ISC@SANS - Vist http://isc.sans.org/conficker for up-to-date, cut-to-the-chase information on the Conficker worm, removal guides and other April 1 related information.